Thursday, March 31, 2011
MA - Mechanical Advantage
St. Patricks day
Wedges, lever, and Incline Plane
Wheel & Axel
I learned that a wheel and axel makes work alot becuase i tmakes it easier to lift an object. A screw can also make it much easier to lift objects. The mechanical advantage depends on how big the wheel is and how big the threads are. The wider the thread the more force it takes to lift the object. The high the MA the more effective the machine. So it is more efficient with higher MA.
Wheel and Screw!
The radius of the wheel and also the diameter of the screw affect how much work is needed to complete the job. When the radius of the wheel is bigger the force needed to lift something is less but when the radius of the wheel is smaller the force needed increases that is very similiar with the screw. The mechanical andvantage is the biggest when the screw and wheel are very big.
Gravitational Potentional Energy is taking Joules divided by gravity times height. to find mass. The KE is KE = 1/2mv^2. No I did not get to go. I was going to but after school I usually lift weights till 6, and when I was done I forgot. Sorry.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
;Wheel and Axle!
wheel and axel
St. Patricks day
I don't believe in lepricons or the gold at the end of the rainbow, I also dont' think they usesimple machines or wedges. The input force effected the output force because if you use more input force you will have a greater output force, and same with the input distance and output distance. The shorter wedge was harder to use because i takes alot more force becuase it is not as sharp as the longer one. With the lever I noticed that the closer you were to the fulcrum it was easier, and harder if it was farther away.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Wheel and axel
The Wheel and Axle!!!!
The screw and the Wheel @ Axle!!!
Axel, wheel, and screw
Online Activity
The screw & the wheel & axle
The Screw and the Wheel & Axle
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
i discovered that they are very helpful. They help you move something very heavy to a spot. The long helps more then the short. The short one would help if you had something light to move. The different lengths would help.
Lever YAY!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
inclined planes and ramps
Levers, Wedges, and more!!
Inclined planes are very effecient, if very long. The longer plane was the easiest to work with. Other factors would have to be weight of the object, strength of the person, how high you have to push it, or friction!
Inclined Planes and Ramps
Levers and Inclined Planes
Today we started activity two on the inclined plane and the pulley. What did you discover about inclined planes? What the inclined plane easier to use if it was long or short? What other factors might affect the use of the inclined plane?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Simple and Complex Machines Lab
--Saint Patricks Dayy!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Happy. St
I also learned that levers are easier to use if the fulcrum point is further than you it requires less input force. Yesterday on the math skills worksheet i learned how to figure out mechaninal advantage and learned that it has no label.
Friday, March 18, 2011
St patricks day
The relation ship between input and output force or distance , is that the input force/distance is how much you put into it. The output force/distance is what you get out of the input force/distance. You can't just have one. The differences between the short and long wedges mechanical advantage is that the longer ones have a greater MA, and the short ones have a littler advantage. In short, it takes less effort to use the bigger wedge and more effort to use the smaller wedge.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
i learned the longer and skinier the wedge is the less force it needs. and the small and fatter the wedge is the more force it needs. so to day i have learn that the closer the fulcrum is to you the more force that needs to be exerted and the closer the fulcrum is to the object needs less force exerted on it.
St. Patrick's Day?????
Today though i noticed the the greater length of the wedge the less force need. The smaller the wedge is in length more foce is needed. With the lever I noticed that the closer the stone is to the object your trying to move the less force needed. However when the stone is further away from the object your trying to lift more force is needed to lift the object. Which makes moving the object pretty hard.
In mechanical advantage I learned that its output distance over input distance, and input force over output force to get mechanical advantage. Mechanical Advantage does not have a label. Mechanical Advantage is how well a tool does its job.
Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!
In the output distance and in put distance would be what you out with. Some of the in puts and out puts include, how big the wedge was, how tall was the lever. The output was, the force of input and output.
Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Mechanical advantage
No question, thank you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
some are way more helpful and easier than others.
mechanical advantages are input and output distances and also forces that help move something
input forces or distance is all of the work you put into something which will always give you an output force. like pushing a table
Mechanical Advantage is Awesome!!
Mechanical Advantage
Machine Advantage.
Mechanical Advantages
im awesome
Mechanical advantage
Mech Advantage
mechanical advantages

Mechanical Advantage
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
simple machines!!!

SImple machine3s
wheel and axle
simple inclined pane
complex uses more than one machine
A bicicle uses pulleys
simple and complex machines
Simple and Complex machine

simple and complex machines

Simple Machines
chapter 12 simple machines
Simple and Compound Machines
Simple Machines
A complex machine is a machine that uses more than one simple machine like a bicycle. A bike has simple machines like the chain and sproket being a pully system and the peddles are a type of lever.
Simple Machines!!!!!!
Simple Machines
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Science Blog
im awesome
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Work, power, mechanical advantages
Work Power and MACHINES
Work,Power, and Machines
ex: work, lifting weights, power, pushing some thing, mechanical advantage, carring stuff
what is work, power, and mechanical advantage
-Work; Power; && Mechanical Advantage!
work, power, and machanical advantage.
BeTTer Than U
An example of work is a man lifting weights. An example of a mechanical advantage is using a ramp to load a motercyle of a fourwheeler. An example of power is like when you run you go faster.I didnt learn anything knew today.