Wednesday, March 16, 2011

mechanical advantages is how much easier and helpful to you
some are way more helpful and easier than others.
mechanical advantages are input and output distances and also forces that help move something
input forces or distance is all of the work you put into something which will always give you an output force. like pushing a table
machanical advantage is how much a simple or complexe machine helps you do work. input force is the force that you put into doing the work. output force is how much force is needed toactully move the object.

Mechanical Advantage is Awesome!!

We did math skills about input force and output force, also mechanical advantage. Input force/distance is the force you put into the object and output force/distance is the force that is affected by the input force. Mechanical Advantage is like pulley's, levers, simple levers, and wheel and axles. A wheel barrel is an example of a simple machine called a wheel and axle.
Machanical advantage is the use of simple, or complex tools to make work easier. Input force is the amount of work that you, yourself put into doing the work. The output force is the amount of weight you have to lift in order to get the object in the air.

Mechanical Advantage

Mechanical advantage is the quantity that measures how much a machine multiplies force or distance. The input force is the amount of force that you put on an object. The input distance is the amount of distance that an object has. For example a ramp may measure 3.0 meters, that is the input distance. The more the input distance the less work you have to do. I do not have any questions so far.

Machine Advantage.

Machine Advantage is the ratio between the output force and the input force. This also equals to the ratio between the input distance and the output distance. The input and output force is used in the Mechanical Advantage. When you do a mathematical problem with force or distance, you figure out what you are doing and multiply or divide.

Mechanical Advantages

Mechanical Advantages is how much help the machine is to you. Some are much easier to use than others. Mechanical Advantages are found with the input and output forces/distances applied to the load. Input forces/distance is how much work you put into it. All inputs give an output force. Output force is the force that you get out of the object, such as lifting a box.

im awesome

the ratio between the output force and the input force. the input force is what you put into the object. Kind of like when you lift an object that is the input. The output force is the force is the force that you have to put on the object to lift it.

Mechanical advantage

Mechanical advantage is just less force that is needed compared to what your are tyring to move lift and so on. The input force is the foce that you have to apply and output force is the force you have to lift.

Mech Advantage

Mechanical advantage can be defined as the ratio between the output force and the input force. It is also equal to the ratio between the input distance and the ouput distance. The input force is the force that you have to apply. The ouput force is how much weight or the distance you have to lift the object.


Mechanical Advantage is the factor by which a mechanism multiplies the force applied to it. The input force is like, how much you put in and the output force would be how high the ramp is. No questions! :)

mechanical advantages

today we worked on math skills, there are two equations MAf=outf/inf and MAd=ind/outd


We are learning about all kinds of machines. Like: Claw hammer, pulleys, and wheel and axle. Those would be Simple Machines. The Inclined Plane Family, Inclined planes, wedges and screw. A complex machine is a machine made of more then one simple machine. A claw hammer and pulley put together. The complex machines could be: A pulley and wheel and axel. A Wheel and Axle and A Claw Hammer. A Claw hammer and a pulley. A Claw hammer and Wheel Axle.

Mechanical Advantage

Today we worked on math skills on mechanical advantage. There are two equations one for distance and one for forces. Define mechanical advantage. Describe what the input force or distance is and describe what the output force or distance is. Do you have any questions?